Our team offers flexible options to fit your schedule with telehealth and in-person appointments.
Today is a new day to discover YOURSELF!
We are all here to evolve into more conscious, responsible individuals. Mental health issues arise when we are out of alignment with what is happening within and around us.
As we embrace and adjust to our life situations--working through our disappointments and broken expectations--our equilibrium is restored. We feel stronger and more capable to accept what is in front of us to do, with new joy and understanding.
You may have come here needing help, or perhaps feeling a little hopeless. The truth is, all of your answers are within you. Together, we can support you in accessing those answers.

Bring your presence and energy every Monday morning and start your week open to new possibilities!
Unable to join us on Monday, no worries!
You can catch all our 'MMM' videos anytime on our YouTube channel.”
10:00 AM EST
Personalized Healing Services
Holistic Wellness

A holistic approach focuses on the person, not their symptoms or diagnosis. A holistic therapy program promotes overall well-being by addressing mental, emotional, and spiritual needs.
Brainspotting is a focused, body-based therapy that uses eye positions to access and release deeply stored emotions and trauma. It supports natural healing and growth, especially when talk therapy alone isn’t enough.
At the Center for Dynamic Healing, we believe that the journey of healing is best undertaken together. Our Pre-Licensed Therapists are here to provide you with compassionate, effective care as they embark on their professional journeys. Join us in exploring the transformative power of therapy.
Pre-Licensing Program
Lynn literally changed the way I parent for the better. I took her class almost ten years ago and I still use the techniques daily with my six kids. She’s empathetic and approachable, and a skilled teacher.

Lynn has been a positive influence in my life. She listens and her comments are on target. She is both spiritual and therapeutic and this blend is just what I need. I cannot say enough good about her.
I am back to meditating after a long time. I found it hard to concentrate, but was able to move back to center . Her meditation has a very soothing effect, I feel so mellow after.