Reincarnation: A Platform for the Evolution of Your Soul
Thursday, May 5, 2011
7:00 to 9:00 pm
Facilitated by: Lynn Barrette, LUT
“How has your soul evolved to who you are today?” will be the theme of the workshop. It will be led by Lynn Barrette, MSW, Licensed Unity Teacher and Spiritual Counselor.
“Life is a spiritual journey with the purpose of understanding ourselves and becoming conscious of all that we are, have been, and can be,” said Barrette. “Charles Fillmore, co-founder of the Unity movement, taught reincarnation as early as 1900, and believed it to be a merciful, practical law for evolution into higher states of universal awareness. This workshop explores how reincarnation plays a role in who we are today, and how we can heal the past and open up new possibilities for our future.”
Unity Northwest is a center for spiritual growth that offers tools for living at every level of expression. For more information on this workshop or Unity Northwest, call 847-297-0997. A free-will offering will be received during the workshop.
Unraveling Your Spiritual Essence
Sunday, May 22, 2011
9:30 am and 11:00 am services
Beneath the every day ups and downs of life is your spiritual essence--the you that is love, wisdom and ineffable joy!
Unity Northwest, 259 E. Central Rd.Des Plaines, IL847-297-0997